Tuesday 10 January 2012


            SOUND FORGE

NEW FILE:  When we need to create new file for editing we take this option from the file menu
           in which we need to set the sample rate, bit depth and the channels, whether you are
           editing for the stereo or mono sound tracks.
           You can set the sample rate, bit depth and channels of the file as per the requirement.
           If we require the CD Quality minium requirement of the setting is 44,100 sample rate,
           16 bit and the stereo channels.

OPEN:      For editing we require to open the file and than with the help of the option of Sound Forge,
           We can do the editing. The Formats that can be opened in soundforge are Wav, MP3, raw, avi,
           Aiff, mpeg, cda(audio tracks), etc.s  The formats like wav and mp3 are very easily available,
           which are regularly being used for the editing purpose especially for multimedia presntaion.

SAVE:      If any t ype of editing is done in the file which has been opend, requireds to be saved to
           maintain the current updation. For this we use the save command. In this option you can save
           the file with differnt format also with the type of sample rate and bit depth options also.

SAVE AS:   If the file is all ready save and the requirement is that format has to be altered along with
           the sample rate and bit depth than we can use this option. Generally talking about the multimedia,
           We required main of the formats like mp3, wav, AIFF (generally used in machintosh machines).

SAVE ALL:  Main use of this option is that when you are working with more than one file and you require to
           save all the file which are open than we use this option.


 Workspace is that you can save your current setting of the files.(.swf) by creating a snapshot of your Sound Forge
interface. So you can return to it at any time. Workspace saves the information with their magnification, selection,
cursor position, data window size, and screen location. Once the workspace has been saved than you can open this working
to get the file where you last left.


General:   For getting the complete information of the file that you are working, you can work upon this command
           where is display  the filename, location, size of the file, audio length, file type, attributes, to check the few.

Format:    To get the sample rate and the bit depth of the file along with the channels we can use this option. Actualy
           we don't require going for this option as we get this information right at the status bar of the interface.

video:     While doing the sound editing, especially voice over which is more of synchronizing of the sound with the video,
           frames to be display for the reference. For this we can use this option to attach the video in the file. once
           the video has been attached,frames of the video are visible at the top of the channels where you can adjust the
           sound wav as per the requirment.

Display:   With the display option you can customize the interface of the sound forge where you can switch on/off the options.

              EDIT MENU

Undo/Redo: This is the general option of undo and redoes of the last few actions that you have done in your life.

Cut:       This will remove the sound wav that you have selected and copy it to the clip board which can be pasted later
           on as required.(But it will remove the previous record of the clipboard).

Copy:      this will copy the sound data on the clipboard. It keeps the selected data as it is.

Paste:     It will help to copy the content of the clipboard where your cursor location is.

Trim/Crop: This command is used remove all the data of the file except the selected area.

Select All: It generate the selection of the complete file.

Preview cut/cursor: It is used to get the preview of the data before and after area selected area. after selecting the
           portion of the file, take this option. It will play the track which is before and after the selected data.

Pre Roll to Cursor: To play the data before the cursor position of the default Pre-roll length.

Go To:    This option is very using as it helps you get the exact location of the cursor on the timeline. It works
          with time code with the detailing of the microseconds thes gives best perfection in all types of editing.


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