Process Menu
There are many different ways by which you can process you sound for the specific requirement.
Auto Trim/Crop : This command is used for removing the blank space left either at the end or starting point of the file. So when we apply
this command than the blank space is removed.
Tthreshold : Drag the fader to set the threshold level used for the detection of the trim/crop start point. -Inf. is complete; 0dB is
the maximum amplitude level.
Bit-Depth Converter : This option is used to convert the bit depth of the file. Sometimes noise signals are problems which can be eliminated by
decreasing the bit levels. So lesser the bit level lesser will be noise and there are different methods of dithering to
remove the noise.
Channel Converter : To converte between mono and stereo formats we use this option.The channel converter dialog can also be used to reverse
the channels of a sterio file or inter-mix the left and right channels of a sterio file to create interesting panning effects.
DC offset : DC offset is use to change the baseline of a sound file to adjust the electrical mismatches between your sound card and input
device. Due to this your sound might give unexpected results when sound effects are applied to files that contain DC offsets.
Equalizer(EQ) : There are diffrent types of ways to work upon this option like graphic, Para graphic and paramatric.
Graphic : It is a best way that allows you to adjust the sound with pre-defined bands or a user-definable envelope graph. Graphic EQ
is divided in to three pages: Envelope, 10 band, and 20 band.
Para graphic : The Para graphic EQ is a set of six very flexible parametric filters. Four independent band filters allow you to boost or
attenuate specific Frequency ranges, in addition, two shelving filters let you control the amount of low and high frequencies
in your recordings. A gain vs. Frequency graph shows the overall effect of the combined filters, making it easier to visualize
the final sound.
Parametric : The paramatric Equalizer is a set of four frequency-selective filters that allow for every precise changes in the frequency content
of a sound signal.
A high-frquency shelf filter is useful for removing high-frequency noise such as wind, tape hiss, or computer noise.
A low-frquency shelf filter is useful for removing low-frequency rumbles such as electricall hum, or traffic noise.
A band-pass filter is useful for removing hiss and low-frequency rumbles simultaneously or boosting a specific frequency range.
A band-reject is useful for removing to remove narrow-bandwidth noise such as amplifier/microphone.
Fade : This processing of the sound is used to very the sound volume at the diffrent levels of selection. There are diffrent ways to work
upon like envelop and also ready setting like fade in and fade out.
Insert Silence : This command ise use when we need the break in the sound during the presentations or else for any specific requirement. Actually
what it does, it splits the sound waves from the location of the cursor without deleting or damaging. Duration of the silence can
also be defined.
Invert / Flip : Invert.Flip is use to reverse the part of the sound data. Although inverting data does not make an audible difference in a single
file, it can be useful for matching a sample transition when executing certain pastes, mixes, or loops.
Mute : Mute will basically remove the sound waves and keeps that area empty so that that area is of no sound. For that you need to select
the area is of no sound.For that you need select the area that you want to mute and apply this command. Here the sound waves that
you have selected will be deleted. You will get the blank area that will work as a mute as there is not sound.
Normalize : Normalize is use to raise the volume of a selection so that the highest sample level reaches a user-defined level.
If the selection includes both chanels, normalaization is related on the loudest sample value found in either channel and the same
gain is applied to both. If a single channel is selected, normalization will affect only that channel.
Pan/Expand : This option is used for panning the sound. This means, that you can adjust the volume of the sound which will vary intensity of
sound of the individual channel. It makes the effect of sound traveling from one speaker to other. If this thing is use properly
along with proper multy track sound card that can give good surround effects. It can also be use to increase the volume of the
sound. But for that we have the option which helps in it.
Resample : Resample option helps to changes the sample rate of the file per second. Higher the sample rate, it will increase the file size
and vice versa. There are diffrent sample rate given as an preset which can be used as per the requirement.
Revere ; Reverse option will reverse the sound waves which are selected. If the sound waves are not selected than complete file is reverse.
Basically it gives flip horizontal to the sound waves changing the out put completely.
Smooth / Enhance : It is use to edit the signal that has too much high end or is a low end that needs to be processed. When we use equalizer, it
can eliminate or boost a hign end, but it is often too sharp. the smooth/Enhance helps to give the right amout of frequency
adjustment to level or down your signal.
Time Stretch : The time stretch effect allows you to after the length of a signal without changing its pitch. The time Strech function alllows
you to change the length of your soundes in three diffrent ways: percentage of orginal, time, or tempo. The best result that you find
is between the ratios of 75%bto 115%. Beyond that, effect of echo, flange and drop sounds are being reviewed.
Volume : This option is used to increase the volume level of the selected area. If the selection area I not made than volume level of the
complete fileis being affected.
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