Wednesday 18 January 2012


                             EDIT MENU

Paste Special:   Normally after copying or cutting, you can directly past. But there are different ways of the pastingthe data by which
                 we can process the sound.

Cross fade:      Cross fade is basically to use for mixing the sound waves. It is kind of transition given to the sound where two different
                 types of sound are going to mixed. Mainly this option is used to when one song or music getting over and second one is going
                 to start.

Mix:             This command helps to mix the sound waves of one file to other. When you copy and mix than it will mix the data from the position
                 of the cursor. So cursor position plays an important role.

Replicate:       This command is basically preparing the loop sound for long presentation. This command is basically pasting of the sound multiple
                 times as per the required length.

Overwrite:       This command is use to replace the existing data and paste the new data which has been copied. Here what we have to do is that we need
                 to select the area which we have to replace and than overwrite the data. Only thing which has to be checked is that length of the both
                 the data should match. If it is not matching than probaly you get the jerk. This has to check very precisely.

Paste to New:    Sometimes what we need is that we need to copy the data to the new file. For that we do not need to create the new file of specific
                 sample rate, bit depth and channels. This command automatically creates the file which is required by the copied data. so just copy
                 the data and give the command, it will generate the new file.

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