Friday, 20 January 2012

Process Menu

                                                            SESSION 3

                                                              Process Menu

                    There are many different ways by which you can process you sound for the specific requirement.

Auto Trim/Crop          :  This command is used for removing the blank space left either at the end or starting point of the file. So when we apply
                           this command than the blank space is removed.

Tthreshold              :  Drag the fader to set the threshold level used for the detection of the trim/crop start point. -Inf. is complete; 0dB is
                           the maximum amplitude level.

Bit-Depth Converter     :  This option is used to convert the bit depth of the file. Sometimes noise signals are problems which can be eliminated by
                           decreasing the bit levels. So lesser the bit level lesser will be noise and there are different methods of dithering to
                           remove the noise.

Channel Converter       :  To converte between mono and stereo formats we use this option.The channel converter dialog can also be used to reverse
                           the channels of a sterio file or inter-mix the left and right channels of a sterio file to create interesting panning effects.

DC offset               :  DC offset is use to change the baseline of a sound file to adjust the electrical mismatches between your sound card and input
                           device. Due to this your sound might give unexpected results when sound effects are applied to files that contain DC offsets.

Equalizer(EQ)           :  There are diffrent types of ways to work upon this option like graphic, Para graphic and paramatric.

Graphic                 :  It is a best way that allows you to adjust the sound with pre-defined bands or a user-definable envelope graph. Graphic EQ
                           is divided in to three pages: Envelope, 10 band, and 20 band.

Para graphic            :  The Para graphic EQ is a set of six very flexible parametric filters. Four independent band filters allow you to boost or
                           attenuate specific Frequency ranges, in addition, two shelving filters let you control the amount of low and high frequencies
                           in your recordings. A gain vs. Frequency graph shows the overall effect of the combined filters, making it easier to visualize
                           the final sound.

Parametric              :  The paramatric Equalizer is a set of four frequency-selective filters that allow for every precise changes in the frequency content
                           of a sound signal.

                           A high-frquency shelf filter is useful for removing high-frequency noise such as wind, tape hiss, or computer noise.
                           A low-frquency shelf filter is useful for removing low-frequency rumbles such as electricall hum, or traffic noise.

                           A band-pass filter is useful for removing hiss and low-frequency rumbles simultaneously or boosting a specific frequency range.

                           A band-reject is useful for removing to remove narrow-bandwidth noise such as amplifier/microphone.

Fade                    :  This processing of the sound is used to very the sound volume at the diffrent levels of selection. There are diffrent ways to work
                           upon like envelop and also ready setting like fade in and fade out.

Insert Silence          :  This command ise use when we need the break in the sound during the presentations or else for any specific requirement. Actually
                           what it does, it splits the sound waves from the location of the cursor without deleting or damaging. Duration of the silence can
                           also be defined.

Invert / Flip           :  Invert.Flip is use to reverse the part of the sound data. Although inverting data does not make an audible difference in a single
                           file, it can be useful for matching a sample transition when executing certain pastes, mixes, or loops.

Mute                    :  Mute will basically remove the sound waves and keeps that area empty so that that area is of no sound. For that you need to select
                           the area is of no sound.For that you need select the area that you want to mute and apply this command. Here the sound waves that
                           you have selected will be deleted. You will get the blank area that will work as a mute as there is not sound.

Normalize               :  Normalize is use to raise the volume of a selection so that the highest sample level reaches a user-defined level.
                           If the selection includes both chanels, normalaization is related on the loudest sample value found in either channel and the same
                           gain is applied to both. If a single channel is selected, normalization will affect only that channel.

Pan/Expand              :  This option is used for panning the sound. This means, that you can adjust the volume of the sound which will vary intensity of
                           sound of the individual channel. It makes the effect of sound traveling from one speaker to other. If this thing is use properly
                           along with proper multy track sound card that can give good surround effects. It can also be use to increase the volume of the
                           sound. But for that we have the option which helps in it.

Resample                :  Resample option helps to changes the sample rate of the file per second. Higher the sample rate, it will increase the file size
                           and vice versa. There are diffrent sample rate given as an preset which can be used as per the requirement.

Revere                  ;  Reverse option will reverse the sound waves which are selected. If the sound waves are not selected than complete file is reverse.
                           Basically it gives flip horizontal to the sound waves changing the out put completely.

Smooth / Enhance        :  It is use to edit the signal that has too much high end or is a low end that needs to be processed. When we use equalizer, it
                           can eliminate or boost a hign end, but it is often too sharp. the smooth/Enhance helps to give the right amout of frequency
                           adjustment to level or down your signal.

Time Stretch            :  The time stretch effect allows you to after the length of a signal without changing its pitch. The time Strech function alllows
                           you to change the length of your soundes in three diffrent ways: percentage of orginal, time, or tempo. The best result that you find
                           is between the ratios of 75%bto 115%. Beyond that, effect of echo, flange and drop sounds are being reviewed.

Volume                  :  This option is used to increase the volume level of the selected area. If the selection area I not made than volume level of the
                           complete fileis being affected.


Wednesday, 18 January 2012


                             EDIT MENU

Paste Special:   Normally after copying or cutting, you can directly past. But there are different ways of the pastingthe data by which
                 we can process the sound.

Cross fade:      Cross fade is basically to use for mixing the sound waves. It is kind of transition given to the sound where two different
                 types of sound are going to mixed. Mainly this option is used to when one song or music getting over and second one is going
                 to start.

Mix:             This command helps to mix the sound waves of one file to other. When you copy and mix than it will mix the data from the position
                 of the cursor. So cursor position plays an important role.

Replicate:       This command is basically preparing the loop sound for long presentation. This command is basically pasting of the sound multiple
                 times as per the required length.

Overwrite:       This command is use to replace the existing data and paste the new data which has been copied. Here what we have to do is that we need
                 to select the area which we have to replace and than overwrite the data. Only thing which has to be checked is that length of the both
                 the data should match. If it is not matching than probaly you get the jerk. This has to check very precisely.

Paste to New:    Sometimes what we need is that we need to copy the data to the new file. For that we do not need to create the new file of specific
                 sample rate, bit depth and channels. This command automatically creates the file which is required by the copied data. so just copy
                 the data and give the command, it will generate the new file.

Sunday, 15 January 2012


                                       SPECIAL MENU

 Centre Cursor:  This option is basically to bring the cursor of the file right to the centre of the screen. So wherever
                 the cursor may be in the file it comes to the centre of teh visible waves of the sound.
 Drop Marker:    Markers are the main importent in sound forge which helps in creating the selection with perfection.
                 If you have to press M. When the play head is moving and the song is being played, at that time at a
                 specific area you want the selection. At that time you can place the markers. Markers are displayced
                 with the vertical red dotted line. Right click of the markers displays go to, delete, edit and update

Mark In and Mark Out: Mark in and mark out are the in and out point of the selection. If you want to start the selection.
                 If you want to start the selection when the play head is moving, than you press(I) for the mark In and when
                 you required to end the selection, you press(O). After Pressing (O) you get the area of selection done.

Toggle Selection:Once the selection has been selected than you can toggle the selection by using this command. This will remove
                 and reselect the selection at every press of the command.

                                         VIEW MENU

Maximum width:  when you open the file and if the file and if the file window is not the fitting the interface, than you can
                use this command of maximum, which will set the window of the according to the width of the interface.

Tool Bars:      This option helps you to open different tool bars to work. Individually it can be opened to work as per the requirement.
                You just need to Met select the tile of the tool bar which you want to open.

Clipboard:      Once the sound waves are selected and copied or cut, than this data is directly save on to the clip board that is
                memory of the system. If you need to check the data on the clipboard, than use this command. There are two options
                content and play. Content option shows the length and time of the data stored. Play option plays the data of the

Zoom:           There are different ways to work upon the zoom. Very basic way of working is with the up arrow. If you want full
                Zoom of the file than you can use in full option and normal will bring back the zoom level.

Time Display:   It shows the digital clock. So when you start playing the sound than it display the current position of the cursor.

Cut List:       along with the play list option we also have the cut list option which helps in removing the unnecessary data of
                the sound. As the procedure of the play list we have to select the unnecessary data and place it in play list panel.

Play Meter:     The peak meters display instsntaneous levels during playback to help you determine the loudest level in your audio.

Undo/Redo History: This option is use to remove or free the clipboarde from the undo and redo. Also to remove the history steps.
                 This helps to run your system more smoothly. There are two options clear and clear all.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


            SOUND FORGE

NEW FILE:  When we need to create new file for editing we take this option from the file menu
           in which we need to set the sample rate, bit depth and the channels, whether you are
           editing for the stereo or mono sound tracks.
           You can set the sample rate, bit depth and channels of the file as per the requirement.
           If we require the CD Quality minium requirement of the setting is 44,100 sample rate,
           16 bit and the stereo channels.

OPEN:      For editing we require to open the file and than with the help of the option of Sound Forge,
           We can do the editing. The Formats that can be opened in soundforge are Wav, MP3, raw, avi,
           Aiff, mpeg, cda(audio tracks), etc.s  The formats like wav and mp3 are very easily available,
           which are regularly being used for the editing purpose especially for multimedia presntaion.

SAVE:      If any t ype of editing is done in the file which has been opend, requireds to be saved to
           maintain the current updation. For this we use the save command. In this option you can save
           the file with differnt format also with the type of sample rate and bit depth options also.

SAVE AS:   If the file is all ready save and the requirement is that format has to be altered along with
           the sample rate and bit depth than we can use this option. Generally talking about the multimedia,
           We required main of the formats like mp3, wav, AIFF (generally used in machintosh machines).

SAVE ALL:  Main use of this option is that when you are working with more than one file and you require to
           save all the file which are open than we use this option.


 Workspace is that you can save your current setting of the files.(.swf) by creating a snapshot of your Sound Forge
interface. So you can return to it at any time. Workspace saves the information with their magnification, selection,
cursor position, data window size, and screen location. Once the workspace has been saved than you can open this working
to get the file where you last left.


General:   For getting the complete information of the file that you are working, you can work upon this command
           where is display  the filename, location, size of the file, audio length, file type, attributes, to check the few.

Format:    To get the sample rate and the bit depth of the file along with the channels we can use this option. Actualy
           we don't require going for this option as we get this information right at the status bar of the interface.

video:     While doing the sound editing, especially voice over which is more of synchronizing of the sound with the video,
           frames to be display for the reference. For this we can use this option to attach the video in the file. once
           the video has been attached,frames of the video are visible at the top of the channels where you can adjust the
           sound wav as per the requirment.

Display:   With the display option you can customize the interface of the sound forge where you can switch on/off the options.

              EDIT MENU

Undo/Redo: This is the general option of undo and redoes of the last few actions that you have done in your life.

Cut:       This will remove the sound wav that you have selected and copy it to the clip board which can be pasted later
           on as required.(But it will remove the previous record of the clipboard).

Copy:      this will copy the sound data on the clipboard. It keeps the selected data as it is.

Paste:     It will help to copy the content of the clipboard where your cursor location is.

Trim/Crop: This command is used remove all the data of the file except the selected area.

Select All: It generate the selection of the complete file.

Preview cut/cursor: It is used to get the preview of the data before and after area selected area. after selecting the
           portion of the file, take this option. It will play the track which is before and after the selected data.

Pre Roll to Cursor: To play the data before the cursor position of the default Pre-roll length.

Go To:    This option is very using as it helps you get the exact location of the cursor on the timeline. It works
          with time code with the detailing of the microseconds thes gives best perfection in all types of editing.



Bit Depth
The number of bits used to represent a single sample. For example, 8-or 16-bit are common sample sizes.
While 8-bit samples take up less memory (and hard disk space), they are inherently noisier than 16-or 24-bit

Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a process where by the amplitude (loudness) of a sound is varied over time. When varied
slowly, a tremolo effect occurs. If the frequency of modulation is high, many side frequencies are created that
can strongly alter the timbre of a sound.

Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM)
A method of compressing audio data. Althugh the theory for compression using ADPCM is standard,
there are many different algorithms employed. For example, Microsoft's ADPCM algorithm is not compatible
with the International Multimedia Association's (IMA) approved ADPCM.

Loops are small audio clips that are designed to create a repeating beat or pattern. Loops are usually
one to four measures long.

Monday, 9 January 2012


Sound Forge is the software for sound editing, where you can record the sound but cannot create the sound.
Previously it was the product from paradox Company under the banner of sonic foundary.
But from the latest version that is the 7th version it has been taken over by Sony pictures Digital inc.
So from now it is called Sony Sound Forge.
Sound Forge is an award-winning two-track digital audio editor that includes a powerful set of audio processes,
tools, and effects for manipulating audio. Combine Sound Forge with any Windows-Compatible sound card to creat,
record,and edit audio files.


Sound forge is digital editing software, which work with the detailing of the micro-seconds.
Now a days all the processing of the sound file are digitalized by which we can get more perfect
editing and also quality of the sound is very crystal clear. We use the sound forge for editing the sound
file for our multimedia presentation.
Sound forge is the most user friendly software to work upon with the sound files and along with the editing
we can also record the sound four our voice over for the presentation.


The unit of measurement for frequency or cycles per second (CPS).

A unit used to represent a ratio between two numbers using a logarithmic scale. For example, when
comparing the numbers 14 and 7, you could say 14 is two times greater than the number 7; or you could say
14 is 6dB greater than the number 7. Where did pull that 6 dB? Engineers use the equation dB=20xlog
(V1/V2) when comparing two instantaneous values. Decibels are commonly used when dealing with sound because
the perceives loudness in a logarithmic scale.

Sunday, 8 January 2012


ANIMATION: WALT DISNEY: Walt Disney From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about Walt Disney, the person. For the company he founded, see The Walt ...

Toonz India Ltd

Toonz India Ltd

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toonz Animation India Pvt. Ltd. is an animation company in India. It is the animation arm of the Singapore-based Toonz Group, which has diverse interests in production and distribution of live-action feature films, digital and gaming content, licensing and merchandising, and media-related education. Toonz Animation was started in 1999 by G. A. Menon and Bill Dennis, who had worked on Disney'sThe Little MermaidBeauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Toonz is located in Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), the capital city of Kerala. Its office is currently situated in the Technopark; it is expanding to a new 2.5-acre (10,000 m2) campus in the Kinfra Film and Video Park in Trivandrum.
Major projects on which Toonz has worked include The Adventures of Tenali RamanHanumanFreefonixWolverine and the X-Men, and Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight. With around 400 employees from across the world, Toonz is now working on a 3-D film titled The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, which is due to be released in 2010.[dated info]



The first animated film from India is considered to be "Ek Anek Aur Ekta", a short traditionally animated short educational film released in 1974[1][2] from Doordarshan's Film Division. Doordarshan is a government run public television service in India. The film is presented as a fable meant to teach children the value of unity. After its success, more shorts were produced by Doordarshan. This was the first time that original animated films from India were broadcast on national television in Hindi.
The first Indian animated television series is Ghayab Aaya, aired in 1986 and directed by Suddhasattwa Basu.
The first Indian 3D animated film is Roadside Romeo, which was a joint venture between Yash Raj Films and the Indian division of the Walt Disney Company. It was written and directed by Jugal Hansraj.[3]


Recurring themes include Indian culture and historical developments of India. Examples include Hanuman which dramatizes the life of Hanuman, a Hindu God, and Dashavatar based on the ten Avatar sof Lord Vishnu.[4]

[edit]Awards and festivals

24FPS Animation Awards is a celebration of animation excellence and recognition of the best animation talent in India. Organized with the aim of creating a platform that motivates, hones and showcases Indian animation and student talent. Annually held 24FPS Animation Awards is amongst the premier animation competitions in the country. It is organized by Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematic (MAAC).[5] The 24 FPS Animation Award 2005-06 had more than 250 students that participated from across India. 24 FPS acts as a catalyst to bring the students & studios at one platform wherein the students showcase their skills in front of the top industry professionals & studios, which in turn acts as a placement platform for the students.
Anifest India is an annually held animation festival with an education track. The focus is on technical and hands-on presentations with case studies from top professionals across holistic disciplines of art, animation and filmmaking. On the education side, premier schools and educators from all over India and overseas present their approach and viewpoints. The best student, faculty and professional films get showcased at the TASI Viewers Choice Awards (TVCA), an audience award which for many attendees is their first taste of attending a film festival and voting. Over three thousand people attend the festival which in recent years has spanned three entire days.

[edit]Societies and organizations

The Animation Society of India (TASI) is a non-profit organization with its head-office in Mumbai. It aims to educate about the emerging animation technologies and at the same time provide a platform for exchange of creative and technical information within the existing art and animation fraternity in India. It also hosts Anifest India, the biggest annual animation festival in the Indian subcontinent, which features the TASI Viewer's Choice Awards. It also hold technical and in-depth workshops and sessions nearly every month.


The Indian animation industry was estimated at $354 million in 2006 and was forecast to reach $869 million by 2010.[6] Animation in India is currently riding on two key factors - a large base of highly skilled labour, and low cost of production. While the industry is gaining prominence steadily, several important factors such as the government's role in supporting the animation industry, and producing original content locally.
In 2009, the state of the animation industry in India, was growing at a CAGR of 30%, is estimated to reach US$ 1.5 billion by 2015.[citation needed]
Some of the other estimates of the NASSCOM report on animation indicate the following:
  • The global entertainment market will generate a demand for animation production services of the order of US$ 37 billion by 2003
  • In the non-entertainment segment the demand for animation production services will touch US$ 14.7 billion by 2015
  • The global film/TV program production market will create a US $ 17.5 billion revenue opportunity for animation production houses
  • The Indian gaming industry was estimated at nearly $48 million in 2006 and is expected to cross $424 million by 2010.[7]
Pune, is competing with Hyderabad and Mumbai to be the country's animation hub. With the sector facing severe human resources shortage, more and more studios are increasingly venturing into animation training. Chetan Deshmukh, an animator and special effects expert, recently shifted his base to Pune from US. He has worked on Hollywood movies like Chicago and Shanghai Knights. The Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA), a premier body of industries in and around Pune region has launched a programme to catapult Pune as a global hub for animation and gaming. It has recently formed a group of professionals, training institutes and celebrities to implement the initiative, with filmmaker Amol Palekar has as their brand ambassador.[8]

[edit]Comparison with the global scenario

The total global animation production figures, according to the NASSCOM Animation report, range between US$ 16-31.5 billion for the year 2000. Statistics for 2001 stand anywhere between US$ 25 billion and US$ 38 billion. Analysts estimate that the global animation production rose to about US$ 45 billion in 2002.[9]


Continuing its impressive financial run, Chennai-based Media Technology Company Sanraa media,has signed a £ 2 million deal with the global production company Endemol, UK for the production of the animated series The 99, which is based on the illustrated comic The 99The 99, a 3D animation series, will comprise 26 episodes will be done by Sanraa Media and day-to-day production will be overseen by Endemol.
The co-production deal also entitles Sanraa Media to the rights of distributing the series in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

[edit]Animation institutions

[edit]Animation studios/companies in India

Animation studios in India including television channels and production studios.

[edit]List of Indian animated movies

[edit]List of animated TV series produced in India

  • The Adventures of Tenali Raman:The Adventures of Tenali Raman (26 X 11 min) is India’s first animated 2D television series by Toonz Animation India.
  • Little Krishna: 13 episodes 3D animated series produced for global audience by BIG Animation (I) Pvt. Ltd. and The Indian Heritage Foundation in both languages Hindi and English. Aired on Nickelodeon on May 2009.
  • Chhota Bheem:Super hit series on Pogo 'Chhota Bheem' produced by Green Gold(co-production with Turner International). It started as a 13-episode TV series, and based on the popularity it got extended and till date more than 60 episodes were delivered and work is underway on more episodes.
  • Krishna Balram: 26 stories, of 22 minutes duration each, follow through the capers of Krishna, Balram and Radha. Once again by Green Gold Animation. This series aired on Cartoon Network.
  • sourse..( )


Walt Disney

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walt Disney

Walt Disney in 1954
BornWalter Elias Disney
December 5, 1901[1]
HermosaChicagoIllinois, U.S.
DiedDecember 15, 1966 (aged 65)
Burbank, California, U.S.
OccupationFilm producer,
Co-founder of The Walt Disney Company, formerly known as Walt Disney Productions
Years active1920–1966
Political partyRepublican
ReligionChristian (Congregationalist)
SpouseLillian Bounds (1925–1966)
ChildrenDiane Marie Disney
Sharon Mae Disney
ParentsElias Disney
Flora Call Disney
RelativesHerbert Arthur Disney (brother)
Raymond Arnold Disney(brother)
Roy Oliver Disney (brother)
Ruth Flora Disney (sister)
Ronald William Miller (son-in-law)
Robert Borgfeldt Brown (son-in-law)
Roy Edward Disney (nephew)
Walter Elias "WaltDisney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an American film producerdirectorscreenwritervoice actoranimator,entrepreneurentertainerinternational icon,[2] and philanthropist, well-known for his influence in the field of entertainment during the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company and had an annual revenue of approximately US$36 billion in the 2010 financial year.[3]
Disney is particularly noted as a film producer and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created some of the world's most well-known fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, for whom Disney himself provided the original voice. During his lifetime he received four honorary Academy Awards and won twenty-two Academy Awards from a total of fifty-nine nominations, including a record four in one year,[4]giving him more awards and nominations than any other individual in history.[citation needed] Disney also won seven Emmy Awards and gave his name to theDisneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the U.S., as well as the international resorts Tokyo DisneyDisneyland Paris, and Disneyland Hong Kong.
The year after his December 15, 1966 death from lung cancer in Burbank, California, construction began on Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. His brother Roy Disney inaugurated the Magic Kingdom on October 1, 1971.



1901–1937: Beginnings


Walt’s parents, Elias and Flora (Call) Disney
Disney was born on December 5, 1901, at 2156 N. Tripp Avenue in Chicago's Hermosa community area to Irish-Canadian father Elias Disney and German-American mother Flora Call Disney.[5][6] His great-grandfather, Arundel Elias Disney, had emigrated from GowranCounty Kilkenny, Ireland where he was born in 1801. Arundel Disney was a descendant of Robert d'Isigny, a Frenchman who had travelled to England with William the Conqueror in 1066.[7] With the d'Isigny name anglicised as "Disney", the family settled in a village now known as Norton Disney, south of the city of Lincoln, in the county of Lincolnshire.
In 1878, Disney's father Elias had moved from Huron County, Ontario, Canada to the United States at first seeking gold in California before finally settling down to farm with his parents near Ellis, Kansas, until 1884. Elias worked for the Union Pacific Railroad and married Flora Call on January 1, 1888, in Acron, Florida. The family moved to Chicago, Illinois, in 1890,[8] hometown of his brother Robert[8] who helped Elias financially for most of his early life.[8] In 1906, when Walt was four, Elias and his family moved to a farm in Marceline, Missouri,[9] where his brother Roy had recently purchased farmland.[9] In Marceline, Disney developed his love for drawing[10] with one of the family's neighbors, a retired doctor named "Doc" Sherwood, paying him to draw pictures of Sherwood's horse, Rupert.[10] His interest in trains also developed in Marceline, a town that owed its existence to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwaywhich ran through it. Walt would put his ear to the tracks in anticipation of the coming train[6] then try and spot his uncle, engineer Michael Martin, running[driving?] the train.
10-year old Walt Disney (center right) at a gathering of Kansas City newsboys in 1912.
The Disneys remained in Marceline for four years,[11] before moving to Kansas City in 1911[12] where Walt and his younger sister Ruth attended the Benton Grammar School. At school he met Walter Pfeiffer who came from a family of theatre aficionados, and introduced Walt to the world of vaudeville and motion pictures. Before long Walt was spending more time at the Pfeiffers' than at home.[13] As well as attending Saturday courses at the Kansas City Art Institute,[14] Walt often took Ruth toElectric Park, 15 blocks from their home, which Disney would later acknowledge as a major influence of his design of Disneyland).[citation needed]

Teenage years

In 1917, Elias acquired shares in the O-Zell jelly factory in Chicago and moved his family back to the city,[15] where in the fall Disney began his freshman year atMcKinley High School and took night courses at the Chicago Art Institute.[16] He became the cartoonist for the school newspaper, drawing patriotic topics and focusing on World War I. Despite dropping out of high school at the age of sixteen to join the army, Disney was rejected for being underage.[17]
After his rejection by the army, Walt and a friend decided to join the Red Cross.[18] Soon after joining he was sent to France for a year, where he drove an ambulance, but only after the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918.[19]
Disney as an ambulance driverimmediately after World War I
Hoping to find work outside the Chicago O-Zell factory,[20] in 1919 Walt moved back to Kansas City to begin his artistic career.[21] After considering whether to become an actor or a newspaper artist, he decided on a career as a newspaper artist, drawing political caricatures or comic strips. But when nobody wanted to hire him as either an artist or even as an ambulance driver, his brother Roy, then working in a local bank, got Walt a temporary job through a bank colleague at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio[21] where he created advertisements for newspapers, magazines, and movie theaters.[22] At Pesmen-Rubin he met cartoonist Ubbe Iwerks[23] and when their time at the studio expired, they decided to start their own commercial company together.[24]
In January 1920, Disney and Iwerks formed a short-lived company called, "Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists". However, following a rough start, Disney left temporarily to earn money at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, and was soon joined by Iwerks who was not able to run their business alone.[25] While working for the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animations, Disney became interested in animation, and decided to become an animator.[26] The owner of the Ad Company, A.V. Cauger, allowed him to borrow a camera from work to experiment with at home. After reading the Edwin G. Lutz book Animated Cartoons: How They Are Made, Their Origin and Development, Disney considered cel animation to be much more promising than the cutout animation he was doing for Cauger. Walt eventually decided to open his own animation business,[27] and recruited a fellow co-worker at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, Fred Harman, as his first employee.[27] Walt and Harman then secured a deal with local theater owner Frank L. Newman, arguably the most popular "showman" in the Kansas City area at the time,[28] to screen their cartoons at his local theater, which they titled Laugh-O-Grams.[28]

Laugh-O-Gram Studio

Presented as "Newman Laugh-O-Grams",[28] Disney's cartoons became widely popular in the Kansas City area[29] and through their success, he was able to acquire his own studio, also called Laugh-O-Gram,[30] for which he hired a vast number of additional animators, including Fred Harman's brother Hugh HarmanRudolf Ising, and his close friend Ubbe Iwerks.[31] Unfortunately, studio profits were insufficient to cover the high salaries paid to employees. Unable to successfully manage money,[32] Disney's studio became loaded with debt[32] and wound up bankrupt[33] whereupon he decided to set up a studio in the movie industry's capital city, Hollywood, California.[34]


Disney and his brother Roy pooled their money and set up a cartoon studio in Hollywood[35] where they needed to find a distributor for Walt's new Alice Comedies, which he had started making while in Kansas City[33] but never got to distribute. Disney sent an unfinished print to New York distributor Margaret Winkler, who promptly wrote back to him that she was keen on a distribution deal for more live-action/animated shorts based upon Alice's Wonderland.[36]

Alice Comedies

Virginia Davis, the live-action star of Alice’s Wonderland and her family relocated from Kansas City to Hollywood at Disney's request, as did Iwerks and his family. This was the beginning of the Disney Brothers' Studio located on Hyperion Avenue in the Silver Lake district, where it remained until 1939. In 1925, Disney hired a young woman named Lillian Bounds to ink and paint celluloid. After a brief courtship, the pair married that same year.
The new series, Alice Comedies, proved reasonably successful, and featured both Dawn O'Day and Margie Gay as Alice with Lois Hardwick also briefly assuming the role. By the time the series ended in 1927, its focus was more on the animated characters and in particular a cat named Julius who resembled Felix the Cat, rather than the live-action Alice.

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

By 1927, Charles Mintz had married Margaret Winkler and assumed control of her business. He then ordered a new all-animated series to be put into production for distribution through Universal Pictures. The new series, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, was an almost instant success, and the character, Oswald — drawn and created by Iwerks — became a popular figure. The Disney studio expanded and Walt re-hired Harman, Rudolph Ising, Carman Maxwell, and Friz Freleng from Kansas City.
Disney went to New York in February 1928 to negotiate a higher fee per short and was shocked when Mintz told him that not only did he want to reduce the fee he paid Disney per short but also that he had most of his main animators, including Harman, Ising, Maxwell, and Freleng—but not Iwerks, who refused to leave Disney—under contract and would start his own studio if Disney did not accept the reduced production budgets. Universal, not Disney, owned the Oswald trademark, and could make the films without Walt. Disney declined Mintz's offer and as a result lost most of his animation staff whereupon he found himself on his own again.[37]
It subsequently took his company 78 years to get back the rights to the Oswald character when in 2006 the Walt Disney Company reacquired the rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from NBC Universal, through a trade for longtime ABC sports commentator Al Michaels.[38]

Mickey Mouse

After losing the rights to Oswald, Disney felt the need to develop a new character to replace him, which was based on a mouse he had adopted as a pet while working in his Laugh-O-Gram studio in Kansas City.[39] Ub Iwerks reworked the sketches made by Disney to make the character easier to animate although Mickey's voice and personality were provided by Disney himself until 1947. In the words of one Disney employee, "Ub designed Mickey's physical appearance, but Walt gave him his soul."[39] Besides Oswald and Mickey, a similar mouse-character is seen in the Alice Comedies, which featured "Ike the Mouse". Moreover, the first Flip the Frog cartoon called Fiddlesticks showed a Mickey Mouse look-alike playing fiddle. The initial films were animated by Iwerks with his name prominently featured on the title cards. Originally named "Mortimer", the mouse was later re-christened "Mickey" by Lillian Disney who thought that the name Mortimer did not fit. Mortimer later became the name of Mickey's rival for Minnie – taller than his renowned adversary and speaking with a Brooklyn accent.
The first animated short to feature Mickey, Plane Crazy was a silent film like all of Disney's previous works. After failing to find a distributor for the short and its follow-up, The Gallopin' Gaucho, Disney created a Mickey cartoon with sound entitled Steamboat Willie. A businessman named Pat Powersprovided Disney with both distribution and Cinephone, a sound-synchronization process. Steamboat Willie became an instant success,[40] and Plane CrazyThe Galloping Gaucho, and all future Mickey cartoons were released with soundtracks. After the release of Steamboat Willie, Disney successfully used sound in all of his subsequent cartoons, and Cinephone also became the new distributor for Disney's early sound cartoons.[41] Mickey soon eclipsed Felix the Cat as the world's most popular cartoon character[39] and by 1930, despite their having sound, cartoons featuring Felix had faded from the screen after failing to gain attention.[42] Mickey's popularity would subsequently skyrocket in the early 1930s.[39]

Silly Symphonies

Following in the footsteps of Mickey Mouse series, a series of musical shorts titled, Silly Symphonies were released in 1929. The first, The Skeleton Dance was entirely drawn and animated by Iwerks, who was also responsible for drawing the majority of cartoons released by Disney in 1928 and 1929. Although both series were successful, the Disney studio thought it was not receiving its rightful share of profits from Pat Powers,[43] and in 1930, Disney signed a new distribution deal with Columbia Pictures. The original basis of the cartoons was their musical novelty with the first Silly Symphony cartoons featuring scores by Carl Stalling.[44]
Iwerks was soon lured by Powers into opening his own studio with an exclusive contract, while Stalling would also later leave Disney to join Iwerks.[45] Iwerks launched his Flip the Frog series with the first voiced color cartoon Fiddlesticks, filmed in two-strip Technicolor. Iwerks also created two other cartoon series, Willie Whopper and the Comicolor. In 1936, Iwerks shut down his studio in order to work on various projects dealing with animation technology. He would return to Disney in 1940 and go on to pioneer a number of film processes and specialized animation technologies in the studio's research and development department.
By 1932, although Mickey Mouse had become a relatively popular cinema character, Silly Symphonies was not as successful. The same year also saw competition increase as Max Fleischer's flapper cartoon character, Betty Boop, gained popularity among theater audiences.[46] Fleischer, considered Disney's main rival in the 1930s,[47] was also the father of Richard Fleischer, whom Disney would later hire to direct his 1954 film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Meanwhile, Columbia Pictures dropped the distribution of Disney cartoons to be replaced by United Artists.[48] In late 1932, Herbert Kalmus, who had just completed work on the first three-strip technicolor camera,[49] approached Walt and convinced him to reshoot the black and white Flowers and Trees in three-strip Technicolor.[50]Flowers and Trees would go on to be a phenomenal success and would also win the first 1932 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. After the release of Flowers and Trees, all subsequentSilly Symphony cartoons were in color while Disney was also able to negotiate a two-year deal with Technicolor, giving him the sole right to use their three-strip process,[51][52] a period eventually extended to five years.[44] Through Silly Symphonies, Disney also created his most successful cartoon short of all time, The Three Little Pigs (1933).[53] The cartoon ran in theaters for many months, featuring the hit song that became the anthem of the Great Depression, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf".[54]
One of two stars dedicated to Walt Disney on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

First Academy Award

In 1932, Disney received a special Academy Award for the creation of "Mickey Mouse", a series which switched to color in 1935 and soon launched spin-offs for supporting characters such as Donald DuckGoofy, and Pluto. Pluto and Donald became standalone cartoons in 1937,[55] with Goofy following in 1939.[56]Of all Mickey's partners, Donald Duck, who first teamed up with Mickey in the 1934 cartoon, Orphan's Benefit, was arguably the most popular, going on to become Disney's second most successful cartoon character of all time.[57]


The Disneys' first attempt at pregnancy ended when Lillian miscarried. She became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter, Diane Marie Disney, on December 18, 1933. The Disneys adopted Sharon Mae Disney (December 31, 1936 – February 16, 1993).[58]

1937–1941: Golden age of animation

"Disney's Folly": Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Walt Disney introduces each of the Seven Dwarfs in a scene from the original 1937 Snow White theatrical trailer.
Following the creation of two cartoon series, in 1934 Disney began planning a full-length feature. The following year, opinion polls showed that another cartoon series, Popeye the Sailor, produced by Max Fleischer, was more popular than Mickey Mouse.[59] Nevertheless, Disney was able to put Mickey back on top as well as increase his popularity by colorizing and partially redesigning the character to become what was considered his most appealing design to date.[39]When the film industry learned of Disney's plans to produce an animated feature-length version of Snow White, they were certain that the endeavor would destroy the Disney Studio and dubbed the project "Disney's Folly". Both Lillian and Roy tried to talk Disney out of the project, but he continued plans for the feature, employing Chouinard Art Institute professor Don Graham to start a training operation for the studio staff. Disney then used the Silly Symphonies as a platform for experiments in realistic human animation, distinctive character animation, special effects, and the use of specialized processes and apparatus such as the multiplane camera – a new technique first used by Disney in the 1937 Silly Symphonies short The Old Mill.[60]
All of this development and training was used to increase quality at the studio and to ensure that the feature film would match Disney's quality expectations. Entitled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the feature went into full production in 1934 and continued until mid-1937, when the studio ran out of money. To obtain the funding to complete Snow White, Disney had to show a rough cut of the motion picture to loan officers at the Bank of America, who then gave the studio the money to finish the picture. The film premiered at the Carthay Circle Theater on December 21, 1937 and at its conclusion the audience gave Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs a standing ovation. Snow White, the first animated feature in America made in Technicolor, was released in February 1938 under a new distribution deal with RKO Radio Pictures. RKO had been the distributor for Disney cartoons in 1936, after it closed down the Van Beuren Studios in exchange for distribution.[61] The film became the most successful motion picture of 1938 and earned over $8 million on its initial release. These initial release earnings for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs would be the equivalent of $122,487,945 in 2010.[62]

Golden age of animation

Following the success of Snow White, for which Disney received one full-size, and seven miniature Oscar statuettes, he was able to build a new campus for the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, which opened for business on December 24, 1939. Snow White was not only the peak of Disney's success, but also ushered in a period that would later be known as the Golden Age of Animation for the studio.[63][64] Feature animation staff, having just completed Pinocchio, continued work on Fantasia and Bambi as well as the early production stages of Alice in WonderlandPeter Pan and Wind in the Willows while the shorts staff carried on working on the Mickey MouseDonald DuckGoofy, and Pluto cartoon series, ending the Silly Symphonies at this time.[clarification needed More info needed on end of the Silly Symphonies to make a new and separate sentence.] Animator Fred Moore had redesigned Mickey Mouse in the late 1930s after Donald Duck overtook him in popularity among theater audiences.[65]
Pinocchio and Fantasia followed Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs into the movie theaters in 1940, but both proved financial disappointments. The inexpensive Dumbo was then planned as an income generator, but during production most of the animation staff went on strike, permanently straining relations between Disney and his artists.

1941–1945: World War II era

In 1941, the U.S. State Department sent Disney and a group of animators to South America as part of its Good Neighbor policy, at the same time guaranteeing financing for the resultant movie,Saludos Amigos.[66]
Shortly after the release of Dumbo in October 1941, the United States entered World War II. The U.S. Army contracted most of the Disney studio's facilities where the staff created training and instruction films for the military, home-front morale-boosting shorts such as Der Fuehrer's Face and the 1943 feature film Victory Through Air Power. However, military films did not generate income, and the feature film Bambi underperformed on its release in April 1942. Disney successfully re-issued Snow White in 1944, establishing a seven-year re-release tradition for his features. In 1945, The Three Caballeros was the last animated feature released by the studio during the war.
In 1944, Encyclopædia Britannica publisher William Benton, entered into unsuccessful negotiations with Disney to make six to twelve educational films per annum. Disney was asked by the USCoordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Inter-American Affairs (OIAA), to make an educational film about the Amazon Basin, which resulted in the 1944 animated short, The Amazon Awakens.[67][68][69][70][71]

1945–1955: Post-war period

Disney studios also created inexpensive package films, containing collections of cartoon shorts, and issued them to theaters during this period. These included Make Mine Music (1946), Melody Time(1948), Fun and Fancy Free (1947) and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949). The latter had only two sections, the first based on The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, and the second on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. During this period, Disney also ventured into full-length dramatic films that mixed live action and animated scenes, including Song of the South and So Dear to My Heart. After the war ended, Mickey's popularity would also fade.[72]
By the late 1940s, the studio had recovered enough to continue production on the full-length features Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, both of which had been shelved during the war years. Work also began on Cinderella, which became Disney's most successful film since Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In 1948 the studio also initiated a series of live-action nature films, titled True-Life Adventures, with On Seal Island the first. Despite its resounding success with feature films, the studio's animation shorts were no longer as popular as they once were, with people paying more attention to Warner Bros. and their animation star Bugs Bunny. By 1942, Leon Schlesinger Productions, which produced the Warner Bros. cartoons, had become the country's most popular animation studio.[73] However, while Bugs Bunny's popularity rose in the 1940s, so did Donald Duck's,[74] a character who would replace Mickey Mouse as Disney's star character by 1949.[75]
During the mid-1950s, Disney produced a number of educational films on the space program in collaboration with NASA rocket designer Wernher von BraunMan in Space and Man and the Moon in 1955, and Mars and Beyond in 1957.
Walt Disney meets Wernher von Braun in 1954.

Testimony before Congress

Disney was a founding member of the anti-communist Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. In 1947, during the early years of theCold War,[76] Disney testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), where he branded Herbert SorrellDavid Hilberman and William Pomerance, former animators and labor union organizers, Communist agitators. All three men denied the allegations and Sorrell went on to testify before the HUAC in 1946 when insufficient evidence was found to link him to the Communist Party.[77][78]
Disney also accused the Screen Actors Guild of being a Communist front, and charged that the 1941 strike was part of an organized Communist effort to gain influence in Hollywood.[76]

1955–1966: Theme parks and beyond

Planning Disneyland

Disneyland: aerial view, August 1963, looking SE. New Melodyland Theater at top.Santa Ana Freeway (US 101 at the time, now I-5) upper left corner.
On a business trip to Chicago in the late-1940s, Disney drew sketches of his ideas for an amusement park where he envisioned his employees spending time with their children. The idea for a children's theme park came after a visit to Children's Fairyland in Oakland, California.It also said that Disney may have been inspired to create Disneyland in the park Republic of the Children located in Manuel B. GonnetLa PlataArgentina, and opened in 1951.[1] This plan was originally intended to be built on a plot located across the street to the south of the studio. These original ideas developed into a concept for a larger enterprise that would become Disneyland. Disney spent five years developing Disneyland and created a new subsidiary company, WED Enterprises, to carry out planning and production of the park. A small group of Disney studio employees joined the Disneyland development project as engineers and planners, and were dubbed Imagineers.[citation needed]
As Disney explained one of his earliest plans to Herb Ryman, who created the first aerial drawing of Disneyland presented to the Bank of America during fund raising for the project, he said, "Herbie, I just want it to look like nothing else in the world. And it should be surrounded by a train."[79] Entertaining his daughters and their friends in his backyard and taking them for rides on his Carolwood Pacific Railroad had inspired Disney to include a railroad in the plans for Disneyland.

Disneyland grand opening

Walt Disney giving the dedication day speech July 17, 1955.
Disneyland officially opened on July 18, 1955. On Sunday, July 17, 1955, Disneyland hosted a live TV preview, among the thousands of people in attendance were Ronald ReaganBob Cummings and Art Linkletter, who shared cohosting duties, as well as the mayor of Anaheim. Walt gave the following dedication day speech:
To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past .... and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America ... with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.

Carolwood Pacific Railroad

The Lilly Belle on display at Disneyland Main Station in 1993. The caboose's woodwork was done entirely by Walt himself.
During 1949, Disney and his family moved to a new home on a large piece of land in the Holmby Hills district of Los Angeles, California. With the help of his friends Ward and Betty Kimball, who already had their own backyard railroad, Disney developed blueprints and immediately set to work on creating a miniature live steam railroad for his backyard. The name of the railroad, Carolwood Pacific Railroad, came from his home's location on Carolwood Drive. The railroad's half-mile long layout included a 46-foot (14 m) long trestle bridge, loops, overpasses, gradients, an elevated berm, and a 90-foot (27 m) tunnel underneath his wife's flowerbed. He named the miniature working steam locomotive built by Disney Studios engineer Roger E. Broggie Lilly Belle in his wife's honor and had his attorney draw up right-of-way papers giving the railroad a permanent, legal easement through the garden areas, which his wife dutifully signed; however, there is no evidence of the documents ever recorded as a restriction on the property's title.[clarification needed]

Expansion into new areas

As Walt Disney Productions began work on Disneyland, it also began expanding its other entertainment operations. In 1950, Treasure Island became the studio's first all-live-action feature, soon followed by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (in CinemaScope, 1954), Old Yeller (1957), The Shaggy Dog (1959),Pollyanna (1960), Swiss Family Robinson (1960), The Absent-Minded Professor (1961), and The Parent Trap (1961). The studio produced its first TV special,One Hour in Wonderland, in 1950. Disney began hosting a weekly anthology series on ABC entitled Disneyland, after the park, on which he aired clips of past Disney productions, gave tours of his studio, and familiarized the public with Disneyland as it was being constructed in Anaheim. The show also featured aDavy Crockett miniseries, which started the "Davy Crockett craze" among American youth, during which millions of coonskin caps and other Crockett memorabilia were sold across the country.[80] In 1955, the studio's first daily television show, Mickey Mouse Club debuted and would continue in various incarnations into the 1990s.
As the studio expanded and diversified into other media, Disney devoted less of his attention to the animation department, entrusting most of its operations to his key animators, whom he dubbed theNine Old Men. Although he was spending less time supervising the production of the animated films, he was always present at story meetings.[81] During Disney's lifetime, the animation department created the successful Lady and the Tramp ( the first animated film in CinemaScope) in 1955, Sleeping Beauty ( the first animated film in Super Technirama 70mm) in 1959, One Hundred and One Dalmatians (the first animated feature film to use Xerox cels) in 1961, and The Sword in the Stone in 1963.
Production of short cartoons kept pace until 1956, when Disney shut down the responsible division although special shorts projects would continue for the remainder of the studio's duration on an irregular basis. These productions were all distributed by Disney's new subsidiary, Buena Vista Distribution, which had taken over all distribution duties for Disney films from RKO by 1955. Disneyland, one of the world's first theme parks, finally opened on July 17, 1955, and was immediately successful. Visitors from around the world came to visit Disneyland, which contained attractions based on a number of successful Disney characters and films.
After 1955, the Disneyland TV show was renamed Walt Disney Presents. It switched from black-and-white to color in 1961 and changed its name to Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color, at the same time moving from ABC to NBC,[82] and eventually evolving into its current form as The Wonderful World of Disney. The series continued to air on NBC until 1981, when it was picked up by CBS.[83] Since then, it has aired on ABC, NBC, the Hallmark Channel and the Cartoon Network via separate broadcast rights deals. During its run, the Disney series offered some recurring characters, such as the newspaper reporter and sleuth "Gallegher" played by Roger Mobley with a plot based on the writings of Richard Harding Davis.
Disney had already formed his own music publishing division in 1949 and in 1956, partly inspired by the huge success of the television theme song The Ballad of Davy Crockett, he created a company-owned record production and distribution entity called Disneyland Records.

Early 1960s successes

(Left to right) Robert B. ShermanRichard M. Sherman and Walt Disney sing "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" (1964)
By the early 1960s, the Disney empire had become a major success, and Walt Disney Productions had established itself as the world's leading producer of family entertainment. Walt Disney was the Head of Pageantry for the 1960 Winter Olympics.
After decades of pursuit, Disney finally acquired the rights to P.L. Travers' books about a magical nanny. Mary Poppins, released in 1964, was the most successful Disney film of the 1960s and featured a memorable song score written by Disney favorites, the Sherman Brothers. The same year, Disney debuted a number of exhibits at the 1964 New York World's Fair, including Audio-Animatronic figures, all of which were later integrated into attractions at Disneyland and a new theme park project which was to be established on the East Coast.
Although the studio would probably have proved major competition for Hanna-Barbera, Disney decided not to enter the race and mimic Hanna-Barbera by producing Saturday morning TV cartoon series. With the expansion of Disney's empire and constant production of feature films, the financial burden involved in such a move would have proven too great.

Plans for Disney World and EPCOT

In early 1964, Disney announced plans to develop another theme park to be called Disney World a few miles west of Orlando, Florida. Disney World was to include "the Magic Kingdom", a larger, more elaborate version of Disneyland. It would also feature a number of golf courses and resort hotels. The heart of Disney World, however, was to be the Experimental Prototype City (or Community) of Tomorrow, known as EPCOT for short.

Mineral King Ski Resort

During the early-to-mid 1960s, Walt Disney developed plans for a ski resort in Mineral King, a glacial valley in California's Sierra Nevada mountain range. He brought in experts such as the renowned Olympic ski coach and ski-area designer Willy Schaeffler, who helped plan a visitor village, ski runs and ski lifts among the several bowls surrounding the valley. Plans finally moved into action in the mid 1960s, but Walt died before the actual work started. Disney's death and opposition from conservationists ensured that the resort was never built.


In 1966, Disney was scheduled to undergo surgery to repair an old neck injury[84] caused by many years of playing polo at the Riviera Club in Hollywood.[85] On November 2, during pre-operative X-rays, doctors at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center, across the street from the Disney Studio, discovered a tumor in his left lung.[86] Five days later a biopsy showed the tumor to be malignant and to have spread throughout the entire left lung.[86] After removal of the lung, doctors informed Disney that his life expectancy was six months to two years.[86] After several chemotherapy sessions, Disney and his wife spent a short amount of time in Palm Springs, California.[84] On November 30, Disney collapsed at his home. He was revived by fire department personnel and rushed to St. Joseph's where on December 15, 1966, at 9:30 a.m., ten days after his 65th birthday, Disney died of acute circulatory collapse, caused by lung cancer.[84] The last thing he reportedly wrote before his death was the name of actor Kurt Russell, the significance of which remains a mystery, even to Russell.[87]
Disney was cremated on December 17, 1966, and his ashes interred at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in GlendaleCalifornia. Roy O. Disney continued out with the Florida project, insisting that the name be changed to Walt Disney World in honor of his brother.
The final productions in which Disney played an active role were the animated feature The Jungle Book and the animated short Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, as well as the live-action musical feature The Happiest Millionaire, all released in 1967. Songwriter Robert B. Sherman recalled of the last time he saw Disney:
He was up in the third floor of the animation building after a run-through of The Happiest Millionaire. He usually held court in the hallway afterward for the people involved with the picture. And he started talking to them, telling them what he liked and what they should change, and then, when they were through, he turned to us and with a big smile, he said, 'Keep up the good work, boys.' And he walked to his office. It was the last we ever saw of him.[88]

A long-standing urban legend maintains that Disney was cryogenically frozen, and his frozen corpse stored beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.[89] However, the first known cryogenic freezing of a human corpse did not occur until January 1967, more than a month after his death.[89]

Legacy: 1967–present

Continuing Disney Productions

Plaque at the entrance that embodies the intended spirit of Disneyland by Walt Disney: to leave reality and enter fantasy
After Walt Disney's death, Roy Disney returned from retirement to take full control of Walt Disney Productions and WED Enterprises. In October 1971, the families of Walt and Roy met in front of Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom to officially open the Walt Disney World Resort.
After giving his dedication for Walt Disney World, Roy asked Lillian Disney to join him. As the orchestra played "When You Wish Upon a Star", she stepped up to the podium accompanied by Mickey Mouse. He then said, "Lilly, you knew all of Walt's ideas and hopes as well as anybody; what would Walt think of it [Walt Disney World]?". "I think Walt would have approved," she replied.[90] Roy died from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 20, 1971, the day he was due to open the Disneyland Christmas parade.
1968 US postage stamp
During the second phase of the "Walt Disney World" theme park, EPCOT was translated by Disney's successors intoEPCOT Center, which opened in 1982. As it currently exists, EPCOT is essentially a living world's fair, different from the actual functional city that Disney had envisioned. In 1992, Walt Disney Imagineering took the step closer to Disney's original ideas and dedicated CelebrationFlorida, a town built by the Walt Disney Company adjacent to Walt Disney World, that hearkens back to the spirit of EPCOT. EPCOT was also originally intended to be devoid of Disney characters which initially limited the appeal of the park to young children. However, the company later changed this policy and Disney characters can now be found throughout the park, often dressed in costumes reflecting the different pavilions.

The Disney entertainment empire

Today, Walt Disney's animation/motion picture studios and theme parks have developed into a multi-billion dollar television, motion picture, vacation destination and media corporation that carry his name. Among other assets The Walt Disney Company owns five vacation resorts, eleven theme parks, two water parks, thirty-nine hotels, eight motion picture studios, six record labels, eleven cable television networks, and one terrestrial television network. As of 2007, the company had annual revenues of over U.S. $35 billion.[91]

Disney Animation

Walt Disney was a pioneer in character animation. He was one of the first people to move away from basic cartoons with just "impossible outlandish gags" and crudely drawn characters to an art form with heartwarming stories and characters the audience can connect to on an emotional level. The personality displayed in the characters of his films and the technological advancements remain influential when animating today. He was also considered by many of his colleagues to be a master storyteller and the animation department did not fully recover from his demise until the late 1980s in a period known as the Disney Renaissance. The most financially and critically successful films produced during this time include Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992) and The Lion King (1994). In 1995, Walt Disney Pictures distributed Pixar's Toy Story, the first computer animated feature film. Walt Disney's nephew Roy E. Disney claimed that Walt would have loved Toy Story and that it was "his kind of movie".[92] With the rise of computer animated films a stream of financially unsuccessful Traditional hand-drawn animated features in the early years of the 2000s (decade) emerged. This led to the company's controversial decision to close the traditional animation department. The two satellite studios in Paris and Orlando were closed, and the main studio in Burbank was converted to a computer animation production facility, firing hundreds of people in the process. In 2004, Disney released what was announced as their final "traditionally animated" feature film, Home on the Range. However, since the 2006 acquisition of Pixar, and the resulting rise of John Lasseter to Chief Creative Officer, that position has changed with the largely successful 2009 film The Princess and the Frog. This marked Disney's return to traditional hand-drawn animation and the studio hired back staff who had been laid-off in the past. Today, Disney produces both traditional and computer animation.


In his later years, Disney devoted substantial time to funding The California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). Formed in 1961 through a merger of the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and the Chouinard Art Institute, which had helped in the training of the animation staff during the 1930s, when Disney died, one-fourth of his estate went to CalArts, which helped in building its campus. In his will, Disney paved the way for the creation of several charitable trusts which included one for the California Institute of the Arts and other for the Disney Foundation.[93] He also donated 38 acres (0.154 km2) of the Golden Oaks ranch in Valencia for construction of the school. CalArts moved onto the Valencia campus in 1972.
In an early admissions bulletin, Disney explained:
A hundred years ago, Wagner conceived of a perfect and all-embracing art, combining music, drama, painting, and the dance, but in his wildest imagination he had no hint what infinite possibilities were to become commonplace through the invention of recording, radio, cinema and television. There already have been geniuses combining the arts in the mass-communications media, and they have already given us powerful new art forms. The future holds bright promise for those who imaginations are trained to play on the vast orchestra of the art-in-combination. Such supermen will appear most certainly in those environments which provide contact with all the arts, but even those who devote themselves to a single phase of art will benefit from broadened horizons.[94]

Walt Disney Family Museum

In 2009, the Walt Disney Family Museum opened in the Presidio of San Francisco. Thousands of artifacts from Disney's life and career are on display, including 248 awards that he received.[95]

Antisemitism accusations

Disney was long rumored to be antisemitic during his lifetime, and such rumors have persisted after his death. Indeed, in the 1930s he welcomed German filmmaker and Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl to Hollywood.[96] Disney biographer Neal Gabler, the first writer to gain unrestricted access to the Disney archives, concluded in 2006 that available evidence does not support such accusations. In a CBS interview Gabler summarized his findings:
That's one of the questions everybody asks me... My answer to that is, not in the conventional sense that we think of someone as being an antisemite. But he got the reputation because, in the 1940s, he got himself allied with a group called the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, which was an anti-Communist and antisemitic organization. And though Walt himself, in my estimation, was not antisemitic, nevertheless, he willingly allied himself with people who were antisemitic, and that reputation stuck. He was never really able to expunge it throughout his life.[97]
Disney eventually distanced himself from the Motion Picture Alliance in the 1950s.[98]
The Walt Disney Family Museum acknowledges that Disney did have "difficult relationships" with some Jewish individuals, and that ethnic stereotypes common to films of the 1930s were included in some early cartoons, such as Three Little Pigs. However, the museum points out that Disney employed Jews throughout his career and was named "1955 Man Of The Year" by the B'nai B'rith chapter in Beverly Hills.[99]

Academy Awards

This display case in the lobby of the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco shows many of the Academy Awards he won, including the distinctive special award at the bottom forSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Walt Disney holds the record for both the most Academy Award nominations (59) and the number of Oscars awarded (22). He also earned four honorary Oscars while his last competitive Academy Award was posthumous.[100]
  • 1932: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Flowers and Trees (1932)
  • 1932: Honorary Award for: creation of Mickey Mouse.
  • 1934: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Three Little Pigs (1933)
  • 1935: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: The Tortoise and the Hare (1934)
  • 1936: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Three Orphan Kittens (1935)
  • 1937: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: The Country Cousin (1936)
  • 1938: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: The Old Mill (1937)
  • 1939: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Ferdinand the Bull (1938)
  • 1939: Honorary Award for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) The citation read: "For Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, recognized as a significant screen innovation which has charmed millions and pioneered a great new entertainment field" (the award was one statuette and seven miniature statuettes)[4]
  • 1940: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Ugly Duckling (1939)
  • 1941: Honorary Award for: Fantasia (1940), shared with: William E. Garity and J.N.A. Hawkins. The citation for the certificate of merit read: "For their outstanding contribution to the advancement of the use of sound in motion pictures through the production of Fantasia"[4]
  • 1942: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Lend a Paw (1941)
  • 1943: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Der Fuehrer's Face (1942)
  • 1949: Best Short Subject, Two-reel for: Seal Island (1948)
  • 1949Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award (Honorary Award)
  • 1951: Best Short Subject, Two-reel for: Beaver Valley (1950)
  • 1952: Best Short Subject, Two-reel for: Nature's Half Acre (1951)
  • 1953: Best Short Subject, Two-reel for: Water Birds (1952)
  • 1954: Best Documentary, Features for: The Living Desert (1953)
  • 1954: Best Documentary, Short Subjects for: The Alaskan Eskimo (1953)
  • 1954: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom (1953)
  • 1954: Best Short Subject, Two-reel for: Bear Country (1953)
  • 1955: Best Documentary, Features for: The Vanishing Prairie (1954)
  • 1956: Best Documentary, Short Subjects for: Men Against the Arctic
  • 1959: Best Short Subject, Live Action Subjects for: Grand Canyon
  • 1969: Best Short Subject, Cartoons for: Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day

Other honors

Walt Disney was the inaugural recipient of a star on the Anaheim walk of stars awarded in recognition of his significant contribution to the city of Anaheim and specifically Disneyland, which is now theDisneyland Resort. The star is located at the pedestrian entrance to the Disneyland Resort on Harbor Boulevard. Disney has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one for motion pictures and the other for his television work.
Walt Disney received the Congressional Gold Medal on May 24, 1968 (P.L. 90-316, 82 Stat. 130–131) and the Légion d'Honneur awarded by France in 1935.[101] In 1935, Walt received a special medal from the League of Nations for creation of Mickey Mouse, held to be Mickey Mouse award.[102] He also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on September 14, 1964.[103] On December 6, 2006, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Walt Disney into the California Hall of Fame located at The California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts.
minor planet4017 Disneya, discovered in 1980 by Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Georgievna Karachkina, is named after him.[104]
The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, California, opened in 2003, was named in his honor.
In 1993, HBO began development of a Walt Disney biopic, directed by Frank Pierson and produced by Lawrence Turman, but the project never materialized and was soon abandoned.[105] However,Walt - The Man Behind the Myth, a biographical documentary about Disney, was later made.[106]