Thursday 14 March 2013

Transformer Effect in Photoshop

Open Photoshop and create a another authenticate with the size of 1500 x 1000. Choose a background as like you. I indicate the following. Set in RGB mode save it as a renown. Type something on your background image.

 Go to the Blending Option and backdrop the following:

 Drop Shadow: Wearing stop shadow backdrop the Structure as set under. Set the Blend Mode to Normal. And backdrop Opacity on 21% with Angle of (120) degree. Then backdrop the Distance to 3px with the Spread of 0% and Size 13px. Wearing the Quality backdrop contour, Noise to 0% and Layer knocks Out Drop shadow.

 Outer Glow: Wearing outer Glow backdrop the Structure as set under. Set the Blend Mode to Normal. Wearing at this juncture backdrop Opacity on 62% and Noise 0%. Set the Elements in support of Technique on softer with the Spread of 0% and Size 18px. Wearing the Quality backdrop contour, Range to 50% and Jitter to 0%.

 Bevel and Emboss: Wearing this step backdrop the Structure. Now in put together Style will be Pillow Emboss, Technique to Chisel Hard, Depth backdrop to 929%, Direction on UP, Size - 4px, Soften - 0%. And backdrop in the meantime shading wherever Angles on 120 degree, Altitude on 30 degree. Gloss Contour anti-aliased, Highlight Mode with Color move in and out with # 666666 and Opacity will 85%, Shadow Mode furthermore Multiply with # 333333 and Opacity to 73%. Now press OK.

 Contour: Elements: Range 50% with Anti-aliased.

 Satin: Structure: Blend Mode on Soft Light, Opacity on 50%, Angle of 19 degree, Distance to 5px, Size on 16px, Contour - Invert and Anti-aliased. Through clicking OK save it.

 Gradient Overlay: Gradient: Set Blend Mode to Multiply, Opacity - 100%, Gradient, Style of Linear, Align with Layer, Angle on (90) degree and size - 100%. Then press OK and already vital ok obtain to confirm Gradient Type - Solid, Smoothness - 100%.

 Pattern Overlay: Pattern: Set Mode on Normal, Opacity to 87%, Scale - 5% furthermore Link with Layer. Press ok.

 Stroke: Structure: Size on 2px, Position on Inside, Blend Mode on Normal, Opacity on 100%. Set Fill Type to Color with colorless color. Again extend to Blending Option through Duplicate the agree with Text layer. For these to extend to Menu to Layer and first-rate duplicate Layer. Save this categorize as your wishes renown. For these extend to again Blending options and backdrop the following.

 Drop Shadow: Wearing stop shadow backdrop the Structure as set under. Set the Blend Mode to Multiply. And backdrop Opacity on 100% with Angle of (120) degree. Then backdrop the Distance to 2px with the Spread of 0% and Size 6px. Wearing the Quality backdrop contour, Noise to 0% and Layer knocks Out Drop shadow.

 Inner Shadow: Wearing Inner shadow backdrop the Structure as set under. Set the Blend Mode multiply. Set Opacity on 100% with Angle of 30 degree. Then backdrop the Distance to 9px with the Spread of 0% and Size 9px. Wearing the Quality backdrop contour, Noise to 0% and Anti aliased.

 Inner Glow: Wearing outer Glow backdrop the Structure as set under. Set the Blend Mode to Color move in and out. Wearing at this juncture backdrop Opacity on 100% and Noise 0%. Set the Elements in support of Technique on softer with the Spread of 0% and Size 10px. Wearing the Quality backdrop contour, Range to 45% and Jitter to 0%.

 Bevel and Emboss: Wearing this step backdrop the Structure. Now in put together Style will be Pillow Emboss, Technique to Chisel Hard, Depth backdrop to 409%,

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